Question - Transport Canberra


Transport Canberra
Asked by
Clay, Jo
Directed to
Minister for Transport and City Services
Question asked on
01 April 2021
Answer due on
01 May 2021
Question asked

(1)          What was the daily average number of public transport journeys, by originating district, for the period June to September 2020 (inclusive), for (a) weekdays and (b) weekends, for (i) total of all passenger types, (ii) full fare passengers, (iii) concession passengers excluding students and (iv) school students.

(2)          What was the daily average number of public transport kilometres travelled, by originating district, for the period June to September 2020 (inclusive),  for (a) weekdays and (b) weekends, for (i) total of all passenger types, (ii) full fare passengers, (iii) concession passengers excluding students and (iv) school students.

(3)          What was the daily average number of boardings of light rail for the period June to September 2020 (inclusive), for (a) weekdays and (b) weekends, in (i) Gungahlin district and (ii) Canberra Central district.



Answer Published
10 May 2021
Answered by
Minister for Transport and City Services
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