Question - Canberra Hospital


Canberra Hospital
(cardiology department)
Asked by
Castley, Leanne
Directed to
Minister for Health
Question asked on
10 June 2022
Answer due on
10 July 2022
Question asked

(1)          How many staff work in the Canberra Hospital’s cardiology department.

(2)          What is the breakdown of staff numbers, job title and classification.

(3)          How many staff complaints have been made about the cardiology department since January 2021.

(4)          What is the breakdown of the types of staff complaints.

(5)          How many doctors are rostered on for duty in the department each day.

(6)          How often have those doctors, referred to in part (5), not been in the hospital when they were rostered on duty.

(7)          How many doctors have been involved.

(8)          Where have those doctors been.

(9)          Who is responsible for ensuring the doctors rostered on duty actually turn up to the cardiology department.

(10)      Who is responsible for contacting the doctors who do not turn up when rostered for duty.

(11)      Have there been complaints about doctors in other hospital departments who have been rostered on duty but not actually been in the building.

(12)      How has patient care in the cardiology department been affected if doctors rostered on for duty are not actually in the building (according to a media report in The Canberra Times on Sunday, 5 June 2022).