Question - Alexander Maconochie Centre


Alexander Maconochie Centre
(detainee privileges)
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Minister for Corrections
Question asked on
12 February 2021
Answer due on
14 March 2021
Question asked

(1)          How accessible is the incentives and earned privilege policy to detainees and their families.

(2)          What are the different levels of privilege and what benefits are associated with each one.

(3)          What is the highest level of privilege and what privileges does one attain at this level.

(4)          What is the lowest level of privileges and what privileges does one retain at this level.

(5)          How is an inmate able to move up in privilege system.

(6)          How does an inmate move down in the privilege system.

(7)          Is there a maximum level of privilege an inmate can attain depending on the severity of their sentence and offence.