Question - Florey shops


Florey shops
(delivery vehicles)
Asked by
Cain, Peter
Directed to
Minister for Transport and City Services
Question asked on
01 April 2021
Answer due on
01 May 2021
Question asked

(1)          How many times has Transport Canberra and City Services inspected Kesteven Street adjacent to the Florey Shops delivery area in 2021.

(2)          Can the Minister provide the date, time, and duration of those inspection/s referred to in part (1).

(3)          On how many occasions were delivery vehicles parked in the delivery area or on Kesteven Street during the inspections in 2021.

(4)          Can the Minister provide the date, time and duration that the delivery vehicle/s referred to in part (3) were observed.

(5)          For each of those occasions referred to in part (4), can the Minister advise the category of delivery vehicle, eg semi-trailer, delivery van, others.



Answer Published
27 May 2021
Answered by
Minister for Transport and City Services
Please note that answer text is not currently available and will be uploaded in the near future. In them meantime, answers to questions can be found in the weekly Hansard (with ‘weekly Hansard’ linking to