Question - ACT Health


ACT Health
(Organisational Culture Improvement Strategy)
Asked by
Stephen-Smith, Rachel
Directed to
Minister for Health
Question asked on
15 June 2022
Answer due on
13 July 2023
Question asked
  1. Can the Minister provide an update of the 68 initiatives for Fostering Organisational Culture Improvement Strategy (FOCIS), including a brief summary of (a) the completed initiatives, (b) the initiatives still progressing and (c) initiatives yet to commence.
  2. When is the strategy due to be completed.
  3. Will the strategy be completed on time.
  4. How much has been (a) budgeted and (b) spent on each initiative and survey.
  5. Is the survey conducted internally or externally.
  6. If the survey is conducted externally, who conducts the survey and how much does it cost Canberra Health Services (CHS).
  7. What are the results of the June Pulse Survey.
  8. Will CHS’s assessment against the Organisational Culture Improvement Model be made publicly available; if not, why not.
  9. Why was the original FOCIS performance framework reviewed in October 2020.
  10. Who conducted this review and how much did it cost.
  11. How many staff were trained or received material from the original FOCIS.
  12. How much was spent on the original strategy before it was reviewed. 
  13. How many managers attended the training in May 2022.
  14. Given that freedom of information documents from CHS state “Further analysis of the results (Workplace Culture Survey 2021) and action planning for improving priority areas is being undertaken during February and March 2022”, (a) what analysis has been undertaken, (b) how is it being conducted and (c) by whom.
  15. Can the Minister provide a copy of all (a) analysis CHS has completed on the results and (b) action planning for improving priority areas.