Question - Municipal services


Municipal services
(shopping centre upgrades)
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Minister for Transport and City Services
Question asked on
08 October 2021
Answer due on
07 January 2022
Question asked

(1)          How much of the $18.7 million announced for upgrades to local shops will be used for upgrades to the local shops of (a) Evatt, (b) Macquarie, (c) Kippax Group Centre and (d) Florey.

(2)          When is each of the four upgrades referred to in part (1) intended to be complete.

(3)          Can the Minister detail the planned upgrades to the Kippax Group Centre in relation to the development outlined in the Kippax Master Plan.



Answer Published
09 December 2021
Answered by
Minister for Transport and City Services
Please note that answer text is not currently available and will be uploaded in the near future. In them meantime, answers to questions can be found in the weekly Hansard (with ‘weekly Hansard’ linking to