Question - Alexander Maconochie Centre


Alexander Maconochie Centre
(staff disciplinary policy)
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Minister for Corrections
Question asked on
12 February 2021
Answer due on
14 March 2021
Question asked

(1)          In relation to the ‘Joint statement accompanying image’ concerning the 2018 hangman incident at the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC), given that the joint statement states that ‘it was not possible to identify who drew the image’, what exact steps were taken to identify the staff member who made the drawing.

(2)          What are the policies and procedures that exist to guide an investigation into wrongdoing by a staff member at the AMC.

(3)          Was the investigation fully internal; if not, what external bodies assisted and in what capacity.

(4)          Is the use of external bodies in such an investigation allowed, required, or optional.



Answer Published
14 April 2021
Answered by
Minister for Corrections