Question - Domestic Animal Services


Domestic Animal Services
Asked by
Lawder, Nicole
Directed to
Minister for Transport and City Services
Question asked on
01 April 2021
Answer due on
01 May 2021
Question asked

(1)          How many rangers are currently employed by Domestic Animal Services (DAS).

(2)          How many rangers were employed in the (a) 2019-20, (b) 2018-19, (c) 2017-18, (d) 2016-17 and (e) 2015-16 financial years.

(3)          How many rangers were employed at DAS (a) full-time, (b) part-time and (c) casually in the (i) 2019-20, (ii) 2018-19, (iii) 2017-18, (v) 2016-17 and (vi) 2015-16 financial years.

(4)          What are the types of staff employed by DAS which undertake duties other than being rangers.

(5)          How many of the staff referred to in part (4) were employed in the (a) 2019-20, (b) 2018-19, (c) 2017-18, (d) 2016-17 and (e) 2015-16 financial years.

(6)          Why do MLAs continue to receive complaints from constituents that the number of rangers employed is not sufficient to service their complaints.

(7)          What plans are in place to ensure that DAS’s resourcing is sufficient to ensure the safety of the community.

(8)          What communication does DAS have with Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council and how are dangerous animals managed that are being transported over the border from Queanbeyan.

(9)          What protocols does DAS have in place to ensure that complaints involving parties outside the ACT have a satisfactory outcome.



Answer Published
27 May 2021
Answered by
Minister for Transport and City Services
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