Question - Active travel


Active travel
(Belconnen bikeway)
Asked by
Clay, Jo
Directed to
Minister for Transport and City Services
Question asked on
09 June 2022
Answer due on
09 July 2022
Question asked

(1)          What consultation was conducted for the second stage of Belconnen Bikeway.

(2)          Was consultation done on the final alignment of the second stage of the Belconnen Bikeway.

(3)          Was a detailed alignment diagram, which included the off-road design and number of trees requiring removal, provided during any consultative process for the project.

(4)          How did Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) inform residents that significant tree removals would be undertaken as part of this project.

(5)          Were residents, directly adjacent to the project on Baudinette Circuit, pro-actively consulted at any stage.

(6)          Why was a development application not required for this project.

(7)          Was consideration made by TCCS to remove a lane on Battye Street to accommodate the second stage of the bikeway without the need for tree removals.

(8)          What factors does TCCS consider when deciding whether or not to build paths by removing on-road parking or car lanes.

(9)          Why was the decision made to retain four lanes of car traffic on Battye Street, given low ordinary traffic volumes on this street and the Government’s commitment to building a Civic stadium to replace Bruce stadium by the end of the decade.