Question - Influenza


(vaccination )
Asked by
Castley, Leanne
Directed to
Minister for Health
Question asked on
09 June 2022
Answer due on
09 July 2022
Question asked

(1)          Is the Government considering free flu vaccinations to more at-risk groups in the ACT.

(2)          What information did the Government use to inform its decision to deny a free flu vaccine to seniors under 65 who are self-funded retirees.

(3)          What is the average length of stay for emergency department presentations due to influenza.

(4)          What is the average cost of an influenza presentation to ACT’s public hospitals.

(5)          How much is the Government spending on flu vaccinations.

(6)          What is the expected total cost of flu vaccinations.

(7)          How much has been budgeted for the program and where is the money coming from.