Question - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
(legal services)
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Question asked on
08 October 2021
Answer due on
07 November 2021
Question asked

(1)          In relation to government funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interview friends as mandated by section 24A of the Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act, when exactly did the Justice and Community Safety Directorate stop providing funding to the Aboriginal Legal Service to operate an interview friends program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

(2)          What were the reasons behind this decision.

(3)          Since this decision was made, has the ACT Government provided funding to any other entity to operate an interview friends program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people since this decision was made; if so, which entity and how much in funding.

(4)          Is funding still occurring; if not, which entity is now providing the interview friends program previous offered by Aboriginal Legal Service.



Answer Published
09 December 2021
Answered by
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