Question - Economy


Asked by
Castley, Leanne
Directed to
Question asked on
05 August 2021
Answer due on
04 September 2021
Question asked
  1. Given that the ACT’s unemployment rate surged in June to 4.9 percent up from 3.6 percent in May, how many Canberrans lost their jobs during this period.
  2. Is it correct, as stated by ACT Treasury, that this represented a decline of 5,900 people, as reported in the The Canberra Times on 26 July.
  3. Can the Minister provide, in relation to these newly unemployed Canberrans, (a) in what sectors were they employed, (b) did they work full-time, part-time or casual, (c) how old they were and (d) what was their salary.
  4. What are the reasons for the ACT unemployment rate rising so sharply.
  5. What are Treasury’s predictions for unemployment in the ACT over the next six to 12 months, and beyond.
  6. In what sectors are the main job losses.
  7. In what sectors in the ACT are there job increases.