Question - ACT Policing


ACT Policing
(Reported crimes)
Asked by
Stephen-Smith, Rachel
Directed to
Minister for Police and Emergency Services
Question asked on
16 June 2022
Answer due on
16 July 2022
Question asked
  1. Can the Minister provide a breakdown of all (a) reported crimes and (b) crimes that have been charged by ACT Policing, for each suburb in Yerrabi each year since 2020.
  2. What policies is the Government implementing to reduce crime in Yerrabi.
  3. What are the most common crimes in Yerrabi for 2021-22.
  4. What crimes are increasing in Yerrabi for 2021-22.
  5. What is the budget for ACT Policing in Gungahlin and how much has been spent for the year 2021-22.
  6. How many crimes have been reported in Ngunnawal and what categories have they been, for each month since May 2021.
  7. Have there been any specific programs, policies or initiatives to reduce or investigate crimes in Ngunnawal.