Question - ACT Health


ACT Health
(Secure Work Taskforce)
Asked by
Stephen-Smith, Rachel
Directed to
Chief Minister
Question asked on
16 June 2022
Answer due on
14 July 2023
Question asked
  1. How long has the Secure Work Taskforce been operating.
  2. Since the taskforce was established, can the Minister provide a breakdown for each (a) year and (b) round, of how (i) many casual and temporary employees were identified as being eligible for full-time consideration, (ii) many casual/temporary employees received a full-time offer, (iii) many casual/temporary staff rejected the offer, (iv) many employees were converted to full time and (v) long the (A) scanning and (B) offer stages take for each round.
  3. Do all eligible casual and temporary staff receive full-time offers; if not, how does the taskforce determine who receives offers.
  4. What are the top 10 reasons, this financial year, for employees rejecting a full-time position and how many employees cite these reasons for rejection.
  5. How many staff were employed (headcount and full-time equivalent) to work on the taskforce, for each year since the taskforce began.