Question - Economy


(employment and business development)
Asked by
Cain, Peter
Directed to
Minister for Economic Development
Question asked on
01 April 2021
Answer due on
01 May 2021
Question asked

(1)          Does the Government measure the ACT’s economic reliance on Australian Government spending, specifically via (a) ACT-based Australian Public Service (APS) jobs and (b) Australian Government procurement in the ACT.

(2)          Can the Minister provide copies of any reports or analysis in the last five years that have assessed the reliance of the ACT economy on ACT-based APS jobs and Australian Government procurement in the ACT.

(3)          Does the Government track employment by sector.

(4)          According to government data, can the Minister detail as at 30 June 2020, (a) the number of APS employees who reside in the ACT, (b) ACT public servants who reside in the ACT, (c) ACT public servants who do not reside in the ACT, (d) the number of private sector employees, (e) the number of private sector employees who work for organisations that primarily supply goods and services to the Australian Government and (f) other.

(5)          Does the Government track how many businesses have relocated from the ACT to NSW; if so, of these, does the Government track how many businesses relocated from the ACT to Queanbeyan, NSW.

(6)          How many businesses have relocated between the 2016-17 financial year and the 2019-20 financial year.

(7)          How many jobs have the relocations referred to in part (6) cost the ACT

(8)          Does the Government track or survey the reasons why businesses leave the ACT; if so, can the minister detail the top three reasons.

(9)          How much money has government invested in the Canberra Innovation Network (CBRIN).

(10)      What is the duration of the CBRIN investment commitment.

(11)      How does the Government measure the effectiveness of the CBRIN investment.

(12)      Does the Government track how many jobs have been directly created as a result of its financial investment in CBRIN.

(13)      How many jobs have been directly created as a result of the Government’s financial investment in CBRIN.

(14)      Why did the TradeConnect Grant program end.



Answer Published
10 May 2021
Answered by
Minister for Economic Development