Question - Taxation


(payroll tax waivers)
Asked by
Clay, Jo
Directed to
Lawder, Nicole
Question asked on
10 June 2022
Answer due on
10 July 2022
Question asked

(1)          Are payroll tax exemptions still provided to EOS (a company operating in the space and weapons industry), given that in 2019 it was stated that EOS was receiving ACT payroll tax exemptions.

(2)          What payroll tax exemptions, if any, are being provided to companies across the ACT which operate principally in the space or weapons industry.

(3)          What is the nominal value of payroll tax exemptions to companies in the space or weapons industries.

(4)          Can the Treasurer provide a list of all companies currently receiving payroll tax exemptions.

(5)          What is the nominal value of exemptions to all companies which are currently granted payroll tax exemptions.

(6)          What are the reasons for the ACT Government providing payroll tax exemptions to these and other companies.