Question - Access Canberra


Access Canberra
(service levels)
Asked by
Cain, Peter
Directed to
Minister for Business and Better Regulation
Question asked on
01 April 2021
Answer due on
01 May 2021
Question asked

(1)          Does Access Canberra track customer service performance at (a) shopfronts, (b) on the telephone and (c) online.

(2)          Are the results of customer service performance tracking reported publicly.

(3)          What was the average wait time at each of the Access Canberra shopfronts in (a) December 2020 and (b) December 2019.

(4)          How many total customer service interactions occurred at each of the Access Canberra shopfronts in (a) 2020 and (b) 2019.

(5)          How many Access Canberra transactions occurred online in (a) 2020 and (b) 2019.

(6)          How many Access Canberra transactions occurred over the telephone in (a) 2020 and (b) 2019.

(7)          Has the ACT Government engaged any consultants regarding the outsourcing of Access Canberra functions.



Answer Published
10 May 2021
Answered by
Minister for Business and Better Regulation
Please note that answer text is not currently available and will be uploaded in the near future. In them meantime, answers to questions can be found in the weekly Hansard (with ‘weekly Hansard’ linking to