Question - ACT Budget


ACT Budget
(Odour Control Units)
Asked by
Stephen-Smith, Rachel
Directed to
Question asked on
10 May 2022
Answer due on
Question asked
  1. How high, in metres, were the ventilation stacks for the odour control units (OCUs) in West Macgregor when they were first constructed;
  2. To what height, in metres, were the ventilation stacks for these OCUs then raised, and when did this happen.
  3. On what basis were the ventilation stacks for the OCUs in West Macgregor raised, including relevant data such as, for example, measured levels of hydrogen sulphide that contributed to this decision.
  4. What is considered an acceptable level of hydrogen sulphide leaving these ventilation stacks.
  5. How is the level of hydrogen sulphide that leaves these stacks monitored, and how frequently is this monitoring conducted.
  6. Did the Chief Minister, in a letter dated 30 June 2020, mention that Icon Water would investigate odour concerns in relation to the OCUs in West Macgregor; if so, when was this investigation completed, and what were the outcomes.
  7. How many West Macgregor residents were consulted as part of the investigation referred to in part (6).
  8. Can the Chief Minister provide a summary of hydrogen sulphide levels as measured at the OCU ventilation stacks in West Macgregor from when they were gifted to Icon Water in 2010 until now.
  9. How frequently are the filters in an OCU cleaned and/or replaced.