Question - Government


Asked by
Cain, Peter
Directed to
Special Minister of State
Question asked on
01 April 2021
Answer due on
01 May 2021
Question asked

(1)          Does the ACT Government use e-invoicing.

(2)          Does the ACT Government plan to use e-invoicing; if so, can the Minister provide details on when e-invoicing will be implemented.

(3)          Does the ACT Government track invoice payment times to companies that contract to the ACT Government.

(4)          What are the target payment times by the ACT Government on company invoices and if the standard is not universal, can the Minister provide an appropriate breakdown to show how they differ across the ACT Government.

(5)          What are the average invoice payment times for companies that contracted to the ACT Government for the financial years of (a) 2017-18, (b) 2018-19, (c) 2019-20, (d) 2020-21 and (e) 1 July to 31 December 2020.

(6)          If there is a target payment time, what percentage of the invoices referred to in part (5) were paid on time and can the Minister provide a breakdown by directorate.

(7)          What are the average invoice payment times for companies that contracted to the ACT Government and invoiced less than $100,000 for the financial years (a) 2017-18, (b) 2018-19, (c) 2019-20, (d) 2020-21 and (e) 1 July to 31 December 2020.

(8)          If there is a target payment time, what percentage of the invoices referred to in part (7) were paid on time and can the Minister provide a breakdown by directorate.

(9)          What are the average invoice payment times for companies that contracted to the ACT Government and invoiced less than $20,000 for the financial years (a) 2017-18, (b) 2018-19, (c) 2019-20, (d) 2020-21 and (e) 1 July to 31 December 2020.

(10)      If there is a target payment time, what percentage of the invoices referred to in part (9) were paid on time and can the Minister provide a breakdown by directorate.



Answer Published
27 May 2021
Answered by
Special Minister of State
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