Question - Access Canberra


Access Canberra
Asked by
Cain, Peter
Directed to
Minister for Business and Better Regulation
Question asked on
01 April 2021
Answer due on
01 May 2021
Question asked

(1)          How many customers of Access Canberra that ordered new number plates received their plates on or before the date which their registration took effect, during the financial years of (a) 2019-20 and (b) 2020-21 to date.

(2)          How many customers of Access Canberra that ordered new number plates received their plates after the date which their registration took effect, during the financial years (a) 2019-20 and (b) 2020-21 to date.

(3)          For each separate registration class, can the Minister list the average wait time (in days) for customers to receive their new licence plates from the date of purchase.

(4)          What processes have been put in place to ensure that Access Canberra customers are not being short-changed by the number plate mail-out procedure.



Answer Published
10 May 2021
Answered by
Minister for Business and Better Regulation
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