Question - Development


(Lawson stage 2)
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Lawder, Nicole
Question asked on
10 June 2022
Answer due on
10 July 2022
Question asked

(1)          In relation to the development of Lawson Stage 2, when does the Minister expect the sale of section 50 block 1 and section 51 block 1 to be complete.

(2)          Why has the development of Lawson Stage 2 been divided into two stages, with Stage 2A consisting of the two exclusively residential blocks referred to in part (1).

(3)          Will proceeds from the sale of these and future blocks be used to fund the development of the amenities originally planned for Lawson Stage 2; if not, where will this funding come from.

(4)          Will all of the amenities promised for Lawson Stage 2 still be developed, including (a) a central neighbourhood park that includes a toddler playground with shade structure, a playground for six to 12-year-old children with shade structure, barbecue facilities (including shelters with tables, seats, bins, bubblers etc), grassed open space, and outdoor seating, (b) a public plaza that includes seating, bins, bike racks, a 50-seat amphitheatre, and pedestrian and cycle path connections and (c) College Creek recreational facilities that include a jetty with seating, a kayak/canoe launching area, and a boardwalk next to Lake Ginninderra.

(5)          What is the expected completion date for each of the outdoor recreational facilities referred to in part (4).

(6)          What is the expected total cost for the design and construction of the outdoor recreational facilities referred to in part (4).

(7)          Will the development of Lawson Stage 2 include a small shopping and commercial precinct as represented in the original masterplan, and when is the development of this precinct expected to be finished.

(8)          Will the development of Lawson Stage 2 include two community facility blocks as represented in the original masterplan.

(9)          Will the development of the community facility blocks be accomplished by the ACT Government or by private developers, and when is the expected date by which such facilities will be finished.