Question - Roads


(Cycle lanees)
Asked by
Hanson, Jeremy
Directed to
Minister for Transport and City Services
Question asked on
09 February 2022
Answer due on
Question asked

Madam Speaker, my question is to the Minister for Transport and City Services. Minister, a freedom of information request for the community path priority list was released in February 2021. An updated one was released in November. One of the decision notices states that the list is updated daily, yet the top 72 listed paths in the February FOI are exactly the same as the top 72 listed paths in the November FOI, indicating none of these paths have actually been built. Minister, have any of these priority paths been built?


Answer Published
06 June 2022
Answered by
Minister for Transport and City Services

I thank the member. I will take the detail of the question on notice. What I can say is that our government has a very significant $77 million investment in active travel. This is a significant amount of money that is being spent on new shared path connections as a particular priority because they support the trunk routes, and large numbers of cyclists and walkers in particular, connecting different regions of Canberra. 

We also undertake footpath upgrades. Those are ranked, as Mr Hanson has alluded to, on the footpath priority list. There may be a request from the community that comes on to that list from time to time, and it is ranked accordingly and prioritised for action. We have undertaken a significant amount of work, particularly during the pandemic, on the screwdriver-ready program, to get on and deliver on many of those projects. I am happy to come back to the chamber to provide some information on the footpath projects that we have delivered, which have been significant.