Question - Major Projects Canberra


Major Projects Canberra
(workplace culture)
Asked by
Castley, Leanne
Directed to
Chief Minister
Question asked on
10 June 2022
Answer due on
10 July 2022
Question asked

(1)          What mechanisms do staff for Major Projects Canberra have to make complaints, including general complaints as well as reporting misconduct and workplace bullying and harassment.

(2)          Is this information publicly reported; if so, where can it be found; if not, why not.

(3)          Is there a human resources department within Major Projects Canberra; if so, how many staff are in the Human resources team and what is their classification (headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE)).

(4)          How many staff are employed to work in Major Projects Canberra, including a breakdown of job title and classification (headcount and FTE).

(5)          Are there any other managers/executives/senior bureaucrats who investigate staff complaints; if so, what is their classification and job title.

(6)          How many complaints have been made about workplace misconduct, bullying or harassment to (a) the Chief Minister’s Office and (b) human resources for Major Projects Canberra since the agency started.

(7)          How many of the complaints, referred to in part (6), resulted in an investigation and how many of those investigations resulted in findings of misconduct.

(8)          Is there an appeal system if a complaint is deemed to have no findings of misconduct; if so, how many appeals have been lodged by staffing members of Major Projects Canberra since the agency started.

(9)          What is the annual turnover rate for staff in Major Projects Canberra since the agency opened.

(10)      Have there been any internal or external reviews into the internal operation of Major Projects Canberra; if so, (a) what is the name each review, (b) who conducted the review, (c) what was the purpose of the review, (d) what was the cost of the review and (e) what were the findings of the review.