Question and Answers Tracking

This page includes details of questions on notice and the answers to those questions (when received). It does not include questions without notice asked during question time in the Assembly or questions without notice, taken on notice, during question time, or the answers to those questions. It also does not include information on committee related questions. Once finalised, questions without notice and questions without notice, taken on notice, and related answers are available from the Hansard page for the relevant sitting day. Committee related questions can be found on the relevant committee page.

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By Question Published
Subject # Asked By Directed to Question Published Answer due Answer Published
Aborginal and Torres Strait Islanders
(children and young people commissioner)
98 Kikkert, Elizabeth Minister for Human Rights 12/2/2021 14/3/2021
Alexander Maconochie Centre 20 Kikkert, Elizabeth Minister for Corrections 4/12/2020 3/1/2021
City Services
(Paid Parking)
18 Stephen-Smith, Rachel Minister for Transport and City Services 16/6/2022 16/7/2022
ACT Health
(Organisational Culture Improvement Strategy)
17 Stephen-Smith, Rachel Minister for Health 14/6/2023 13/7/2023
ACT Policing
(Reported crimes)
16 Stephen-Smith, Rachel Minister for Police and Emergency Services 16/6/2022 16/7/2022
Mental health
15 Lee, Elizabeth Minister for Mental Health 16/10/2021
Municipal services
14 Lawder, Nicole Minister for Transport and City Services 2/1/2021
13 Castley, Leanne Treasurer 4/9/2021
(breeders licence)
12 Lawder, Nicole Minister for Transport and City Services 2/1/2021
(capital works)
11 Lee, Elizabeth Chief Minister 2/1/2021